Life Issues & Resources


Information & Contacts for help with an unplanned or difficult pregnancy
Bay Area - https://www.sfarch.org/gabrielproject
San Jose - http://www.jdwcenter.org
San Francisco - http://www.alphapc.org/
Santa Clara - Real Options

Sex Education

What they didn't tell you in Sex Ed
Vicki Thorn: Sex Educator
Questions & Answers on SEX
Women Deserve to Know
after abortion women suffer:
Mental Health problems
Suicidal behavior
Alcohol misuse
Marijuana use
Read these articles below for more facts.
FACTS you need to know before you make a life-changing decision...
You’ve just found out you’re pregnant and you’re scared! You may be alone, having been abandoned by your baby’s father; you may be facing pressure to abort from family and friends, you may be a high school or college student; working or unemployed.
Whatever your circumstances, finding yourself unexpectedly pregnant is frightening. Your mind is working overtime as you look at your situation and consider your future.
Take time to breathe and think and calm yourself down!
It’s not the worst thing that can happen to you although you may be feeling that it is right now. Feelings change and so do situations.
Take time to consider all your options carefully before you make a choice that can’t be reversed, and which you may later come to regret.
If you, or someone you know is facing an unplanned or difficult pregnancy alone, please reach out for help. There are people ready and waiting to help you; to listen to your worries and concerns; arrange prenatal care for you and be supportive and caring as you decide what is best for you and your baby and your future.
For pregnancy help in the Bay Area click here
Information & Contact
Bay Area - https://www.sfarch.org/gabrielproject
San Jose - http://www.jdwcenter.org
San Francisco - http://www.alphapc.org/
Santa Clara - Real Options
Hope After Abortion
It is normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one's heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. YOU ARE NOT ALONE...
Healing After Abortion
Healing those who have been devastated by abortion.
Rachel's Vineyard Healing the pain of abortion - one weekend at a time
Project Rachel for local post-abortion assistance