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Here you will find many resources to help, heal, educate or more.

Contraception, Why Not? 

 Pro Life Events & Projects

  • January - Visit our Pro Life table at the Info Faire, Walk for Life, West Coast 

  • February-April
    Join us at the spring 40 Days for Life Campaign. See home page.

  • July - Pro Life Rummage Sale fundraiser. Contact us for more information. 

  • September 25 - November 3 Join us at the fall 40 Days for Life Campaign. See home page.

  • November 3rd, Pro life fundraiser dinner open to all pro life people.

  • December - Guadalupe Pro Life Procession. 

Free Chastity Talks...Free Event Support...Free Table Display

Contact US 

Mustard Seed Program

Would you be willing to write one letter each month to help save the unborn? If so, please consider joining Project Mustard Seed.

Project Mustard Seed is an organized letter-writing campaign directed at businesses which fund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading provider and promoter of abortion. Upon joining Project Mustard Seed, once a month you will receive either a post card or email (your choice) with the following information: the name of the company and the name of the person to whom the letter should be directed. Once you receive the information just write a letter or email to the person named, expressing opposition to the company’s funding of Planned Parenthood. And if you have a computer, it is very easy to save your letter to a file, and each month retrieve your letter and just change the appropriate spots (company person, company name and address, and date), then print off the new letter, sign and mail. We encourage people to send their letters on or near the tenth day of the month in an effort to overwhelm the recipient with a flood of letters.

We receive our list of corporate supporters of PP from Life Decisions International. They thoroughly research all of the companies. Those companies which make a commitment to stop contributing are removed from the list. A company remains on the list for five years after last donating to Planned Parenthood unless they make this commitment. However, many companies stop contributing for one or two years in the hopes that they will be removed from the list, and then start contributing again.

If you are interested in joining this program please send an email to  and you will be placed on our mailing list. We hope to hear from you soon. May God bless you!


The Power of 7 -

a pro life tutorial 


© 2023 For Life, for Love, for Living.

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